Monday, April 21, 2014


April 21, 2014

Note: See the diffuser mist in the background? Yep proud mama!
Alrighty then! Another week flying by - my goodness. I'm just about half way done with this transfer here in SA 1st ward; how crazy is that? Geeze haha. Well, this week was a very successful and fun week, so here we go!

Elder Montgomery and I really wanted to organize our area a little better this week, so we put in a ton of time reorganizing the area book, buying boards and velcro and putting them on the walls, deciding how to most effectively utilize the board, etc etc. We actually had to spend a whole day inside one day just doing all that stuff.  It was rough. It’s hard staying in the apartment all day when you're used to being outside knocking doors or visiting people, talking to people or whatever.  Staying inside and doing "paperwork," more or less, was difficult. But, that's okay; it's helped us tremendously throughout the week, so it was definitely worth it. 

Ward Boundaries - HUGE area!
This week, we found an absolute golden investigator that we are so excited about! He lives in a town called Elmendorf, which is out in the country! We cover a huge area, so he lives kind of far away. But that's alright! He's super super cool. He was being taught by the missionaries in the past, but had completely lost contact for some reason.  He just called us out of the blue.  Long story short, he had us come over, and it was awesome!   He's basically been taught everything already by the online missionaries.  He talks to sisters in Salt Lake every day on the phone and online. He knows everything and has a super strong testimony that it's true. His only issue is getting a ride to church; he needs to come to church 3 times before he can be baptized, and he wants to come SOOO bad.  It took us a lot of phone calls and a lot of work, but we found a family that sort of lives in the same area that's willing to give him a ride to church, so we're super excited!  He should be baptized for the 17th of May, we can't wait!

Speaking of baptisms, remember that lesson I taught in Spanish last week, on our exchanges? Remember how he invited me to his baptism? Well, we went, and it was fantastic! I don't know why “R” likes me so much. I can't even really understand what he says most of the time, but he was super excited when I made it to his baptism. It was a super cool experience. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures with him because I had to leave the service a little early because of an appointment we had. But all in all it was a great experience! 

Also on the topic of baptisms, all of my old investigators from New Braunfels should be getting baptized super soon! “S” is getting baptized THIS SATURDAY, which is super sweet, and “S&J” are being baptized on the 3rd of May. Also, “S” is going to be baptized the 17th of may. How awesome is that? I asked president if I could go see them, and he said yes! I'm super excited; I can't wait to go and see all of those. Elder Swonson lucked out; all he had to do was reap the benefits of my old area. haha just kidding; I’m actually really excited for him :D

My Easter was pretty fantastic. I actually had the opportunity to sing a special musical number during sacrament meeting with my district.  Again, I'm in a very good “singing” district, so all I had to do was sing quietly and it sounded great. But, no it went fantastic! We sang "Come Thou Fount" and everyone sang parts and it was seriously awesome.  People were crying.  SO many people came up to us throughout church and told us how great it was; it was a very cool experience. 

The temple president actually was there and spoke in sacrament, and throughout church he kept coming up to us and telling us how great we did. Man, it was such a cool experience.

Then, later that night we were able to hear where Elder Montgomery's younger brother is going to serve his mission, from Sister Heifner. He's going to Salt Lake City south mission, Spanish speaking! How awesome is that?! He's going baptize like crazy up there :D

Last but not least:  I don't think I’ve mentioned the dogs here in the south side of San Antonio. I'm not really sure WHY it's like this, but there are tons of wild dogs in my area. It's so weird. Some big ones too!  They just cruise around the streets, but they're especially in the more ghetto areas. We carry around dog treats with us, and pepper spray, every time we get out of the car. I've only had to use a couple dog treats though; never had to use the spray. Almost all of them are super nice. They kinda just follow you around and knock doors with you and protect you, it's funny. I only had to use a dog treat when I was distracting someone’s dog that didn't seem very nice, so I could knock on the owner’s door, that's about it. 

Anyway, that's it for me this week; hope you all had a great Easter week! 

"Jesus is the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer. Because of Him, death is not the end, and life takes on new meaning. We can change, we can start over—and we can live again with God. This Easter, celebrate His life and discover all that’s possible because of Him."


Elder Snow

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